Alan Watts explains the nTubes

“For there is a growing apprehension that existence is a rat-race in a trap: living organisms, including people,are merely tubes which put things in at one end and let them out at the other, which both keeps them doing it and in the long run wears them out. So to keep the farce going, the tubes find ways of making new tubes, which also put things in at one end and let them out at the other. At the input end they even develop ganglia of nerves called brains, with eyes and ears, so that they can more easily scrounge around for things to swallow. As and when they get enough to eat, they use up their surplus energy by wiggling in complicated patterns, making all sorts of noises by blowing air in and out of the input hole, and gathering together in groups to fight with other groups. In time, the tubes grow such an abundance of attached appliances that they are hardly recognizable as mere tubes, and they manage to do this in a staggering variety of forms. There is a vague rule not to eat tubes of your own form, but in general there is serious competition as to who is going to be the top type of tube. All this seems marvelously futile, and yet, when you begin to think about it, it begins to be more marvelous than futile. Indeed, it seems extremely odd.”

Alan Watts

fyi: Nemes of Ebdish basics

Alan Watts explains the nTubes

Inclusionality in Nemetics

Inclusionality encourages us to engage space and boundaries differently so that we might grow beyond the assumptions that material is isolated from presence.  Nemetics is an inclusional manner of thinking that helps us engage the inner and outer contents which shape the context / relationship (nStrings) of our lives.

Inclusionality first steers our attention to where there is any sense of separation, and such observations trigger psychological, social and/or environmental damage.  Nemetics sees ‘inclusionality’ as offering us a way to engage evolutionary processes differently, with less competition and more co-creation via dialogue with the sentience in our environment.

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Inclusionality in Nemetics

Narrative Templates

‎”Narrative templates” came to mind, so I searched and found the idea already exists.  Helpful, no?

I’m seeing “schematic narrative templates” as nTubes of identity (roles) that can be accessed through one’s personal nSphere of meaning/experience. Memories are the nemes, in this instance. When memory nemes are patterned between agents to create context, a nString is formed (relationship) wherein they exchange (nemex) their experiences of the nSphere(s) which surround them. Together through their entangled nemiStrings, they can begin to create new memories which send ripples outward.  These are the ecwaves which trigger cascades of nemex from the surrounding nSphere(s). Essentially, I’m seeing an “empowering feedback loop”.

via Collective Memory Project: Collective memory: narrative templates as cultural tools

 · January 5, 2012 at 6:39am (edited August 29, 2012)
Narrative Templates

Random Nemes about Nemetics

NEME is acronym for Notice.Engage. Mull. Exchange. Scale independent model of “Learning.” enuff? – @toughLoveforx

“Nemetics, based on the science of complexity, is a process to understand, model and resolve ‘wicked problems’ by leveraging authentic constraints in various fields like engineering, social and economic movements & transformations, architecture, design of arrival cities and entrepreneurship to name a few.

In order to do so Nemetics has developed a neutral language that can be fluently applied across various disciplines and subjects. The primary tool that it uses is designed on vibration and waves, vibrating strings, tubes and fields characterized by frequencies and amplitudes, which are then expressed and modeled in probabilistic terms to resolve ‘wicked issues and problems’ through co-created re-design. ”

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Random Nemes about Nemetics