Are We a Techno Tribe?

In 2007, Gerald Celente, who is a leading expert about trends, suggested that blogs and other social media will be transcended and will lead to the formation of Techno Tribalism. He described it on his web site as follows:
“The tribes of the world are uniting. Tied together by the arteries of the information superhighway, citizens of common dreams and common causes are forming human bonds that transcend national borders, religious beliefs and political ideologies. Still in its youth and growing with unbound vitality, the exploding Internet is unleashing powers to the people that will change the way the world is run … and who will run it.

“Bigger than blogs and more influential than the social networks, TechnoTribes will rally masses with calls for action when rights are violated, lives threatened and/or change is needed. Distrusting of politicians and critical of their leadership skills, the egalitarian tribes will unite those who share civic interests, follow moral codes and believe in universal truths.”

“Positive, negative, good or bad, more people are going to unite their voices over the Internet in forming these techno tribes in ways we’ve never seen before.”

Are We a Techno Tribe?

Epic Pain

Pain is a difficult thing to think about.  Nobody really wants to.  We just want to forget about it.  Yet, we are fascinated by pain.  It strikes a chord within us and we so often find ourselves putting on the brakes to catch a glimpse of it while passing a car accident.  We wonder, “Is anybody hurt?”

Pain is linked to everything that is “wrong” in our lives.  We try to avoid it, yet it always creeps in.  We hate it the most when it presents itself for no reason at all.  It is not fair.

Pain is an uninvited guest.  It enters our bodies and pesters us.  It pokes, prods, and sometimes goes so far as to push us down on the ground.  Why?  We scream for it to get out, but it comes back relentlessly.  What does it want?

Continue reading “Epic Pain”

Epic Pain