Re-defining – Learning in Other Worlds

What are we re-defining? From my vantage point, learning fuels the economy and social networks are empowering us to connect in ways that support new paradigms and possibilities. I’ve compiled a few snippets that reveal what myself and my sources may be mulling. The basic idea is that there are “other worlds” where networked learners can solve global issues and form back-up plans while earning alternate currencies.

Re-defining money

monopoly money
monopoly money (Photo credit: guerrillaguru)

The DYNDY project encourages us to re-consider how we deal with and create money in our present world where financial, banking, and economic crises result from faulty top-down decision-making processes that serve the few and not the many.

“We are in a situation whereby the incapacity to re-define how we deal with money could resolve in an a severe damage to society as we commonly refer to it: contrary to what happens with information systems, there are no backups with money systems.”

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Re-defining – Learning in Other Worlds

Nemes of EbDish – Basics

1. Nemetics is based on three fundamentals. nemes, nemiTubes and nemiSpheres. Focus of study is on nemes Exchange called “NemeX”

2.The term neme indicates a superset of replicators in all Complex Adaptive Systems. Replicators are memes, genes, “Lumenes”

3. Memes are replicators in Cognitive Space. Genes are replicators in Physical. Lumenes coined by @openworld in Emotional Space.

4. “Neme” is an acronym for the Learning process of Complex Adaptive Systems. Notice ornot Engage ornot Mull ornot Exchange ornot.

5. Physical Space is said to be Pwaves. Emotional , Ewaves, Cognitive Cwaves. a Neme is said to Collapse ECPwaves to a Neme.

6. A nemiSphere is a snapshot of entangled nemiTubes in which NemeX is constrained by Tacit and Explicit Rules.

7. A nemiTube is that pattern created by the Xchange of Nemes. Called NemeX.

via Twitter / @edKare.

Not clear enough? Try, Imaginal Cells in Nemetics

Try Sean Grainger’s Nemetic application of Complex Adaptive Systems for Resilient Education

“To me complexity is the game of life. And if I am unaware of the rules of the game and how to play the game I would simply act like a dumb spectator to this game of life.” via @dde337

Life is a game, the first rule of which is that IT IS NOT A GAME. – Alan Watts




Nemes of EbDish – Basics